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How to Get in Touch with Your Intuition and When to Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions

Diane Sassano

Discover How to get in touch with your intuition and trust when making decisions. Learn  practical exercises, insights, and real-life examples to harness your inner wisdom. 

In today’s fast paced world, where decisions are often made under pressure and amidst a  cacophony of opinions and information, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Yet, many successful  individuals claim that their ability to make sound decisions comes from a source deeper  than logic or analysis: their intuition. This mysterious voice, often dismissed in favor of hard  data, can be an invaluable guide in navigating life’s complexities.

Understanding what  intuition is how to cultivate it, and when to trust it can transform the way we make decisions  and live our lives. 

What is Intuition 

Intuition is often referred to as a gut feeling, hunch, or an inner knowing. It’s the sense you  have about something without any logical reasoning to back it up. Despite its elusive nature,  intuition is a real cognitive process that helps make decisions quickly and eFiciently,  especially in situations where there isn’t enough time or information for thorough analysis.  Unlike analytical thinking, which relies on conscious thought and deliberate reasoning,  intuition draws from a vast data base of our subconscious mind, integrating past  experiences, emotions, and learned patterns to provide us with insights and guidance. 

The Science Behind Intuition 

Intuition might feel magical, but it's rooted in neuroscience. Studies show that our brain can  process information in two distinct ways, the conscious analytical mind and the  subconscious intuitive mind. The intuitive process often involves the brains right  hemisphere, responsible for pattern recognition and holistic thinking, and is closely linked  to the emotional centers such as the amygdala. This explains why intuitive decisions are  frequently accompanied by strong emotions or physical sensations like a tight chest or  butterflies in the stomach. Scientists suggest that intuition is not an unexplainable  phenomenon but a sophisticated form of decision making shaped by experience, pattern  recognition, and emotional intelligence. Through these mechanisms, intuition allows us to  respond swiftly to the world around us, synthesizing information in a manner that bypasses  the conscious mind.

Intuition vs Logic Finding Balance: 

It's essential to understand that intuition and logic aren't mutually exclusive. While logic is  grounded in data in facts, intuition encompasses creativity, emotional intelligence, and rapid  assessment capabilities. Both play significant roles and in decision making and balancing  them can lead to more well-rounded choices. Logic is invaluable for situations that demand  careful analysis, structured reasoning, and a clear line of thought. Intuition, on the other  hand, excels in scenarios characterized by uncertainty, emotional nuances, or limited data.  By integrating both intuitive insights and logic reasoning, we can harness the holistic  approach that enriches our decision -making process, enabling us to make informed and  empathetic choices. 

Cultivating your intuition 

Cultivating intuition begins with mindfulness, which involves being present and fully  engaged in the moment. Mindfulness practices help quiet the mental noise, allowing you to  tune into your inner self.

Meditation is an excellent tool for fostering mindfulness; it involves  focusing on your breath, letting go of distractions, and observing your thoughts without  judgment.

Overtime, meditation can sharpen your awareness enhance your intuitive  capabilities. Journaling is another eFective way to practice mindfulness. Writing down your  thoughts and emotions helps you reflect on your experiences, identify patterns, and uncover  insights that might not be immediately apparent. This reflective process can bring to light the  subtle signs of your intuition. Additionally, performing your body scan, where you close your  eyes and mentally scan your body from head to toe, can heighten your awareness of physical  sensations and emotions that might be signaling intuitive insights. 

Listen to Your Inner Voice 

Getting in touch with your intuition requires listening to your inner voice, which often speaks  through subtle feelings or gut reactions. Creating moments of silence and solitude in your  daily routine can help you connect with this voice. Disconnect from technology and external  distractions, allowing your thoughts to flow freely trusting your first impressions of also  crucial. When faced with the decision, pay attention to your initial feelings and reactions.  Often, these first instincts are your intuitions way of communicating. Additionally, asking  open-ended questions can prompt your intuition to guide you. Instead of seeking specific  answers, pose questions like “What do I truly want”? Or “How does this decision make me  feel?” And listen to the responses that emerge.


Reflect on Past Experiences 

Your past experiences are a treasure trove of lessons that can enhance your intuitive  abilities. Take time to reflect on decisions you make that felt right and resulted in positive outcomes. What elements contributed to those successful choices? Analyzing situations  where you ignored your intuition and faced unfavorable results can also provide valuable  insights. Identify warning signs or gut feelings you might have overlooked. By examining  these experiences, you can recognize patterns in your decision -making process and develop  a deeper understanding of how your intuition communicates. 

Embrace Creativity 

Creativity and intuition are intertwined, as bold involved thinking beyond conventional  boundaries. Engaging in creative activities, such as painting, writing, or playing music, can  foster your intuitive skills by encouraging unconventional thinking. These activities stimulate  the brain and open pathways to intuitive insights. Trying new experiences and stepping out  of your comfort zone can also enhance creativity. Novel activities challenge your brain to  adapt and think intuitively. Allow yourself to Daydream and let your mind explore new ideas.  Daydreaming encourages your brain to make intuitive connections and strengthens your  ability to perceive possibilities that might otherwise be hidden. 

Trust your Body Signals 

Intuition often manifests through physical sensations or emotions, serving as signals from  your subconscious mind. Play close attention to these signals when making decisions. For  example, a sense of unease or comfort in your stomach can be a powerful indicator of  intuition. Feeling goosebumps might signify deep connection or alignment with a particular  idea or situation. Notice any tension or relaxation in your muscles, as these physical  responses may reflect resistance or alignment with your intuitive insights. By attuning  yourself to your body signals, you can deepen your connection with your intuition and trust  this guidance. 

Women with Her Nation Magzine
Daydreaming encourages your brain to make intuitive connections and strengthens your  ability to perceive possibilities

When Facing Complex Decisions, When to Trust your Intuition 

In complex situations where multiple variables and uncertain outcomes are involved,  intuition can be invaluable ally. Logic may not always provide a clear path forward, but  intuition excels at recognizing patterns and correlations that might not be immediately  apparent through analytical thinking. In ambiguous scenarios, intuition can help you  navigate incomplete information and make sense of the situation. By embracing your  intuitive insights, you can tap into a deeper understanding of the complexities at hand,  allowing you to make more informed and balanced decisions.

When Time is Limited 

In fast-paced environments where quick decision making is essential, intuition can be your  guiding light. Logic often requires time for thorough analysis, but intuition operates swiftly,  allowing you to make rapid decisions without being bogged down by excessive analysis.  Trusting your gut instincts can enable you to adapt to evolving situations and make on the  spot adjustments. Intuition empowers you to act swiftly and decisively, providing a valuable  edge in time sensitive scenarios. 

When Logic Falls Short 

While logic is a powerful tool, it may not always capture the emotional or relational aspects  of a decision. In such cases, intuition could step in to provide valuable insights. Emotion  plays a significant role in decision making and intuition helps you understand and advocate  these emotions eFectively. When faced with decisions that involve human relationships or  unpredictable factors, intuition can provide the empathy and understanding needed to make  well-rounded choices. By acknowledging the emotional nuances that logic may overlook,  intuition adds depth and compassion to your decision -making process. 

When Trusting Yourself is Crucial 

Ultimately, trusting your intuition is about trusting yourself. Your intuition reflects your awareness and confidence in your abilities, intuition becomes a reliable guide. Cultivating  self -trust involves embracing your intuition and recognizing its value in your decision - making journey. By acknowledging and valuing your intuitive insights, you empower yourself  to make choices that align with your true desires and values. 

The Power of Intuition and Professional Settings 

In the workplace, intuition is often an underestimated asset. Many successful  entrepreneurs, leaders attribute their achievements to an intuitive sense of direction and  timing. Steve Jobs famously described intuition as “More powerful than intellect”, highlighting how instinctive understanding can lead to innovation. In fields such as design,  marketing, and human resources intuition plays a crucial role in identifying trends,  understanding consumer behavior, and fostering creativity. While data-driven strategies are  vital, intuition allows professionals to interpret data creativity and foresee opportunities  others might miss. Trusting intuition in these settings can result in groundbreaking ideas and  competitive advantages that set businesses apart.

Historic and Cultural Perspectives on Intuition 

Throughout history, intuition has been regarded with varying levels of significance. In ancient  cultures, intuition was often seen as a divine or mystical ability. Shamans and Oacles were  believed to possess heightened intuitive powers, guiding tribes and societies through  uncertainties. Eastern philosophies, like Buddhism and Taoism, emphasize the importance  of intuition and achieving enlightenment harmony. In contrast, the Enlightenment era in the  West prioritized reason and logic, often dismissing intuition as unreliable. However, Martin  psychology and neuroscience have reignited interest in understanding and valuing intuition  as a critical aspect of human cognition recognizing the cultural perspective on intuition can  deepen our appreciation of this multifaceted skill and encourage us to integrate it into our  decision- making process. 

Scientific Studies Supporting Intuition 

Recent scientific studies have provided insights into the mechanisms and eFectiveness of  intuition. Research from the university of NSW found the individuals who trusted their  intuition made faster and more accurate decisions and complex situation than those who  relied solely on analysis. Another study published in the journal of Nature demonstrated that  experts in various fields, such as chess players and firefighters, often rely on intuition when  faced with rapidly evolving scenarios. These findings highlight that intuition is not merely a  whimsical feeling, but a cognitive process honed by experience and expertise. By integrating  scientific research into our understanding of intuition, we can appreciate its role as a  legitimate and valuable component of decision making. 

Potential Pitfalls of Intuition 

While intuition is a powerful tool, it's important to acknowledge its limitations. Intuition can  be influenced by biases and emotions, leading to inaccurate judgments. For instance,  confirmation bias may cause individuals to interpret information in a way that aligns with  their perceived beliefs. Additionally, fear or anxiety can cloud into intuitive insights, leading  to hasty or irrational decisions. 

To mitigate these pitfalls, it's crucial to cultivate self-awareness and regularly eFect on your  intuitive process. Balancing intuition with logic and seeking diverse perspectives can help  minimize biases and enhance decision making accuracy. By being mindful of these potential  pitfalls, we can ensure that our intuition serves as a reliable guide.



Intuition is remarkable and complex aspect of human cognition that has the potential to enrich our decision -making process and enhance our lives by understanding the science  behind intuition, practicing mindfulness embracing creativity, we can cultivate our intuitive  abilities. Trusting your intuition when faced with complex decisions, time constraints, and  emotional nuances empowers us to navigate life challenges with confidence and  authenticity. However, it's essential to remain aware of the potential pitfalls of intuition and  strike a balance between intuitive insights and logical reasoning. As we develop a deeper  connection with our intuition, we embark on a journey of self- discovery and  empowerment, unlocking the wisdom that resides within us. 


Diane Sassano wit Her Nation Magzine
Diane Sassano | Transformational Coach

Meet the author:

 I am a transformational Coach and Spiritual Healer; I have and use my heightened sense of Intuition to traverse and aid in my choices and decisions. I have spent 40 + years  in listening to it and helping my client’s journey.

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