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Proactive Strategies for Optimal Health

Laura Brennan Ballet

How many times have you started a “good for me” health challenge to only be over it, fast? Many individuals wonder, is it even possible to recalibrate a belief around a healthy routine long enough to create a new pattern and experience optimum health? For the majority of us, we tend to track quickly with the reasons “why” something is not working for us, rather than asking the question of ourselves, how can I activate accountability and explore a healthier lifestyle?

We justify the limited Mindset by offering excuses based from outdated patterns and negative habits. When we focus our energy on how we can “empower” ourselves and engineer new beliefs, we begin to design a thought system that supports the connection of positive intention with the physical activity that creates change. Mind-body coherence that stimulates the senses and ignites self-care.

There are copious amounts of supportive approaches that we can begin to encourage and shore up bold changes. Proactive strategies that can be exciting and therefore will contribute to optimal health are abundant. Here are a few examples to spark healthier changes in our daily routines- Empowerment Coaching, journaling, meditation, breathwork, working with a Nutritional specialist, a personal trainer, and joining a local community group where hiking, bike riding, tennis, archery, and so much more can re-energize us so we can experience positive energy, and happiness. Creating fun ways to become healthy supports us in staying healthy!

When we stretch beyond our comfort zone, we are in essence, refreshing our personal power. We are becoming courageous leaders in the exploration and discovery of how we can live a longer and more fulfilling life. Yes, Optimal Health is an option, and yet, a necessity if we want to enjoy our families, friendships, and exercise the deep gratitude we can convey for choosing to become our highest and best self. To show up in our highest potential both for our personal journey, and more importantly, for the people with who we love to spend our time with, optimal health is needed to fully engage in a well-lived life

As a Thought Energy Speaker & Coach, I am often asked what is my number one empowerment tool to activate a new Thought Energy process for my clients, and it is: To Suspend the Doubt and Go For It! When you are aware of your challenge, and become willing to shift the algorithm, you are now accountable to an empowered experience.

Here is where we activate Critical Thinking and position ourselves into the Power Seat of Choice. Whether we infuse Negative, Positive, or Neutral energy into each encounter, that is the energy we will experience, as well as contribute into the collective. By choosing either Neutral or Positive energy, we begin a proactive process forward, so we may experience both personal healthier outcomes, as well as contribute healthier interactions for all parties. If I can be so bold as to invite you to think about your most pressing reason for not being on the trajectory of your personal optimum health routine, and observe it with the brilliance of critical thinking, releasing judgement and emotionality can you see a way forward?

“Suspend the Doubt” and align yourself with the desired outcome. Don’t just see yourself in a state of high-level health, know that you are the creator of that process and you have activated positive Thought Energy to steady the new pattern of well-being. Here in this environment is where observance and connection meet one another and the realization of IN-POWERING your choices will begin to EMPOWER your health.

In the moment where you truly align with the thought, feeling, and sensation, that you are power in motion and can spark new changes, you are now shifting perspectives. This structure of Thought Energy creates new habits, behaviors, and a new personality that is worthy of experiencing strong healthy outcomes. When you apply tools, skill sets, and techniques that support exploration into a healthy lifestyle, understand that old thought processes will show up, as they are in place to remind you of the contrast of what use to be. This Mindset is no longer relevant to your newfound healthy lifestyle. You are IN-POWERING your present condition to EMPOWER your future. Proactive energy towards optimal health!

Without going too far down the rabbit hole, thoughts, feelings, patterns, and habits that

construct our personality have energetic directive, and at times, this directive can create limited thinking and negative self-sabotage. There are copious amounts of “Negative Nelly’s” holding on tightly, in partnership with the reasoning as to the “why” we can’t or won’t activate a new health program.

As we understand, there will be obvious interceptions along the way, and now, we also

understand that we can IN-POWER this awareness. We are beginning to insert a new style of Thought Energy information that will become part of our knowledge base that we can call upon when needed. Knowing there is a power within us that is stronger than the existing habit, we now apply time, patience, and repetition to the new connection of thought, intention, feelings and movement. Enjoy the experience of discovering new things about yourself and what foods, tools, and supportive techniques inspire you and create positive and sustained momentum. There is no one way to arrive at Optimal Health. This is a personal exploration, this is your journey of creating a life that fuels your desires, goals, happiness, and gratitude around the

creation of a life well-lived!

Energy is in everything, keeping this in mind as you navigate the mercurial terrain that can be present when we are tackling new and needed shifts during our health journey.

When we place value on our health and come to see that it allows us to show up for others in a way that supports collective advancement, we just may decide to be proactive for all the right reasons. When we are willing to activate the necessary tools and skill sets to support happiness and energy, we then look at the journey of strength, action and intention differently. Family, community, travel, hobbies and even work can have a different vantage point.

We know what it is to feel better and we know that we don’t like to feel burdened with illness, aches, and discomfort, let alone, a low life force, and yet, we stay in connection with poor thinking, distorted confidence, and a disruptive flow of beliefs that do not support advancement towards a healthy human experience.

If I could share with you a few proactive strategies that may help get you to think differently and create a Thought Energy Process that may contribute towards a healthier you, would you be willing to activate a new belief in your ability to shift your perspective on health?

Number One: You become what you think about.

It is okay if you are struggling with thought patterns that seem to hold you back, again, I will ask you, are you willing to suspend the doubt associated with the negativity and move forward as if you have arrived to the outcome you are desiring?

Number Two: You can become whoever you decide to become.

There is no one at the directive of your choices. Let this become your mantra; no one can authorize my journey, it is mine to create.

Number Three: I choose to move beyond my comfort zone! Research three activities that might be interesting to you and choose one, and begin!

Number Four: You become what you ingest. Look at everything you eat in the next 30 days If it is in a box, bag, or can, put it down and purchase only fresh, vibrant food, period!

Number Five: Listen to high-level, high-energy music, read positive material, fill your mind body and consciousness with uplifting inspiring knowledge.

Number Six: Journal, YES it changes things!

Number Seven: Create a Gratitude moment throughout your day.

Number Eight: Do something you have never done before but have always wanted to try.

Number Nine: Connect with friends, they are natures food for the soul.

Number Ten: Know that it is your birthright to feel healthy, strong, happy, and in tune with your nature, your beauty, your confidence and your brilliance.

Create a life of Optimal Health… any way you see FIT!


Laura Brennan Ballet with Her Nation Magazine
Laura Brennan Ballet | The Science of Empowerment

Meet the expert:

Whether you are reading her Global Top Selling book, The Science of Empowerment, activating personal brilliance through private coaching, or absorbing the high level energy of her interviews and Speaking engagements, you will never think the same way again! Her expertise on Thought Energy will recalibrate everything! 

Dive deeper into her wealth of knowledge:


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